Tuesday, June 17, 2008

And So It Begins

Shortly i will be leaving the comforts of my Denver home, my good lady and my two boys (meow! to you both). I will be heading west to Los Angeles, Burbank to be precise where i am meeting up with the band and our merch queen. Ideally we will have everything we need, but who am i kidding, i am sure we will have to go get something.

Thursday is a rehearsal day and final preps as well as the day we pick up our home for the next two months, a shiny new RV, i would love to return it in identical condition but once again, who am i kidding?

Friday we kick off for real in Pomona where i am told it will be 93 degrees, add on 10-15 for the asphalt baking effect and we have potential for some prime english lobster.

check back for more later.

1 comment:

Purcell Freak said...

I think it got to about 104 that day in pomona... SF was MUCH MUCH nicer!

and yes.. lobster would have been nice and barbie doll que'd there